
District 19 Hastings and Prince Edward was formed in 1976. The district plays key role in helping members stay active and connected, with each other and the community.

District 19 is situated on the traditional territory of Indigenous peoples including the Anishinaabe, Haudenosaunee and Tyendinaga. We also acknowledge the urban Indigenous communities in our district.

District 19 Hastings and Prince Edward recognizes the inequities connected to colonization and commits to working towards creating a just, inclusive and vibrant community for all. We invite our members to reflect the Truth and Reconciliation Commission’s calls to action.


Members and growing

District 19 Hastings & Prince Edward President
Gerald Watts
District 19 Hastings & Prince Edward Executive
Name Role Email
Gerald Watts President / Présidence
David Fox First vice president / Vice présidence
Harry Marissen Second vice president / Deuxième vice présidence
Margaret Werkhoven Secretary / Secrétaire
Diane Turrall Treasurer / Responsable de la trésorerie
Janet Marissen Membership coordinator / Responsable des adhésions
Leslie Ann Lewis Goodwill coordinator / Responsable de la bienfaisance
J Michael Walsh Newsletter editor / Responsable de l’infolettre
Harry Marissen Health coordinator / Responsable de la santé
Donald MacIvor Website coordinator / Responsable du site Web
Gerald Watts Corporate member 1 / Membre collectif 1
David Fox Corporate member 2 / Membre collectif 2
William Edwards Alternate 1 / Substitut 1
David Fox Community grants coordinator / Responsable des subventions communautaires
Margaret Werkhoven Governance coordinator / Responsable de la gouvernance
Donald MacIvor Social media coordinator / Responsable des médias sociaux
J Michael Walsh RPW Organizer / Responsable APR
Catherine Dobec Member at large / Membre non désigné
Brian Poste Member at large / Membre non désigné

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